oo long erupted in this battle. She quivered from head to toe, embracing his affectionate onslaught.
Waterfall cascading from boundless heights onto the long-thirsting earth, trees swayed and groaned in extreme ecstasy, while the earth surrendered its body completely, without resistance, to this world. The burning scarlet soil gasped for breath, greedily contracting and sucking, intoxicated with a drunken voracity, unwilling to let a single drop of nectar escape through its crevices.
A bolt of white lightning thrust its glaring brightness into the room, and the pelting rain lashed the earth like wet whips. Thunder roared in the dark night, its muffled cry calling out, "Harder! Harder!"
This was a desperate wedding night. Within their caresses, there were hot tears everywhere: amidst the pinnacle of joy, the most surging tears mingled; at the height of the outpouring of tears, they also ascended the peak of joy.
The midsummer rain all at once flooded the lane, filling the air with fragrance. The lovers briefly released each other, dizzy and breathless from the incredible pleasure they had shared.
The tempest had ceased, and the gentle yet ruthless dawn rose from the east. Day in, life out. Juliet bid farewell to her Romeo, not to a place of exile, but to the end of life. This pair of lovers no longer harboured hope for reunion.
He held her in arms once more, kissing her sweat-drenched curls repeatedly, whispering in her ear, "Farewell, my love, my life! Farewell forever! I shall never forget the joy of this night, even in death!"
Edith did not leave the room. She remained seated, blankly, until her sister Margot rushed in, pale and stumbling, bearing the news represented by the clamour rising from outside.
Everything unfolded just as Andre had foreseen: the speech of the patriots was interrupted, conspirators seized control of the hall of the Convention, injustice triumphed over virtue, and upright republicans were taken to jail on the spot. In his unwavering loyalty to Andre Quenet, Philippe rose resolutely from his seat in the National Convention, willingly offering himself for arrest.
The women of the Percys sat together, hearts pounding, waiting anxious